
MOWGLI // dream a while, scheme a while

You're likely familiar with my dogs, Mowgli and Frog, thanks to gushy photo postings every now and then. They're pretty neat. One can usually find them stacked in an armchair, piled in the tub, sprinting through our fields, or making pouty eyes at us while we're trying to work.

Well, today Mowgli is getting surgery on his leg to remove a malignant tumor that we found last week. We're pretty worried, to say the least, but know his big squishy heart and stubborn nature will prevail. We really appreciate your good thoughts while little peg leggy hobbles his way through recovery, and the crossing of fingers for low spreading biopsy results is much appreciated.

In honor of Mowgli going under the knife, we bring you a video Hannah's husband Alex shot a few days ago... a tribute, if you will. Han surprised me by choosing one of our favorite songs to accompany the action-- an old standby from Bringing Up Baby with just enough Judy to add a few hearty tears in with the giggles. I feel so lucky to have Alex in our family -- someone who can document life so beautifully and who has, in one fell swoop, preserved the spirit of Mowgli for all eternity. :)

Laugh, cry, enjoy.

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