

You may be wondering what Hannah and I do when we're not taking photos, designing things, and um, collecting shoes... Lately, every spare moment has been spent hunched over the fields in my backyard, otherwise known as Working Theory Farm. My partner Justin's new adventure in vegetable growing has reeled us in with its fresh smells, sunshine, teamwork, and magical marvels, and friends from all over the Portland area have been showing up to play in the dirt along with us. 

In a few short weeks, Justin will be hitting the streets in his mobile market van, bringing you the tastiest, most beautiful vegetables around. Post a comment if you know of a scurvy-ridden business near you is looking for a friendly farmer to roll up with his goods as they leave work for home! 

Follow Justin's latest on his blog, and like him on facebook as the adventures of WTF continue...

Also a quick thank you to everyone who voted for Justin's essay in the New York Times Magazine contest about the ethics of eating meat last week. He was voted a top six finalist by judges Michael Pollan and Jonathan Safran-Foer out of over 3,000 entries! This last Sunday, their essays were printed in the NYT Mag replete with a neato little illustration of him... though it's hard to recognize him without the beard, right?

Click here to read his awesome essay as well as the other five entries.

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