
EXPOSURE // a contest

A few months ago, I learned about a photo contest aimed to help photographers like me gain exposure. The program, Artists Wanted, is a collaborative project between several New York City artists and creative organizations and works to build new lasting opportunities for starving artists by showcasing their work in an amazing forum.

On a whim, I entered, and my portfolio was juried among the
Top Fifty

Click below to browse the judges' choices. Each of them blows my mind. Every portfolio you'll see is from a different corner of the globe and has the unique ability to make my jaw drop as well as incite me to get off my ass and try new things. There are photographers documenting Barcelona beach culture, hand-sculpted wildlife dioramas, naked people in their happy places, human rights issues in India, life in a Mennonite community, children reacting to death, and western gunslingers.
And that's just the beginning.

Now I'm going to take my little $50 Canvas Pop certificate prize and dream up something wonderful to create for it. :)

Steep Street Photography, Kelty Luber

Click the image to see the rest of the top 50...
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