

When JT, the coach from my old water polo days at Stanford, asked Han and me to give the current team a new image, I could scarcely believe my ears. I got giddy. Not only a designer's dream, but a former-athlete's. A whole campaign of photos, websites, posters, blogs, postcards and underwater shenanigans all flashed across my brain. And that's exactly what we've been doing since.

Click below to read more about these incredible student-athletes, who have already contributed tireless hours to goofy photo shoots and making the website a personal, interesting nook for friends, family, fans and those new to the sport and team. You'll read about their world travels, love of Gaga, shoe collections, penchant for baked goods, to-do lists, infectious laughs, hidden talents, hopes for the future, and of course, love of all things water polo.

Expect more #1 ranked Stanford Women's Water Polo goodness as the season progresses... an alumni directory, interviews, water polo 101, and a couple fun poster series are coming soon!

Steep Street Photography & Design, Kelty Luber
Steep Street Photography & Design, Kelty Luber
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